9 December 2021

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7 minutes of reading

Integrations and cloud phone system: 4 ways they can make working from home easier for you

The period we are living and will live, has made it possible to accelerate many business processes by making everything more digital and automated.

This revolution has incredibly accelerated the adoption of innovative tools and the digitization of everything that was previously physical such as medical records, administrative files, invoices and ... cloud phone systems.

Small businesses, to keep up with the competition, need to be as flexible and agile as possible, and to do so, digital tools are the facilitators of this new flexibility.

However, growing quickly requires the right tools that can allow you to be as productive as possible and achieve more and more results.

It is certainly difficult to be when you have limitations due to a fixed telephone system with a thousand cables and accessory devices that do not facilitate the individual daily activities.

If it is so difficult to choose and configure a cloud phone system, imagine instead how difficult it is to integrate it with other software ...

With Voxloud you can do it quickly and easily with one click and you can integrate your cloud phone system with the best business applications.

We should ask ourselves if a telephone system that works by communicating directly with your everyday platforms (such as crm, administrative software, contact books) could be the best choice.

For this reason, I want to talk to you in detail about cloud phone system integrations and how to actually use them not only to make smart working more effective but to show you how much more time you will have once installed and integrated with your cloud phone system.

There are platforms that improve and facilitate everyday work, in all departments. The applications that you can integrate with business phones are designed to perform specific tasks for small and medium-sized businesses.
4 ways integrations help you every day

1. You save time and energy

Integrations are a valuable tool because they allow you to save time and make your work more professional and faster.
In fact, as soon as you receive a call you can already have in front of you all the contact information of the customer you are calling thanks to the desktop application.

2. Speed

Thanks to the integrations you have the possibility to make your work even faster, in fact both the data entry and the log in of the calls are automated and this allows you to have all the information you need in the shortest possible time. To make calls you will not need to enter the crm and paste all the data, just use the applications.

3. Provide a better user experience

The integrations not only allow you to be faster but also to provide a better user experience because you can work better without switching from one software to another. For example, if you have a lot of software that you usually use, you don't need to switch between them and waste time, you just need to have the right integration to put all these software in contact, this is the core business of Voxloud, all the functions in a single application.

4. All your data is always safe

It may happen that having a lot of data from different customers every now and then some data can be lost and recovering it is quite a difficult task. Thanks to the cloud and the integration with the cloud phone system, your data is always safe and above all you will not have the problem of always having to search for it in different software based on the use you make of it. Finally, you have a chance to keep everything safe in one place.

BONUS: Zapier, centralize your data in one click

Thanks to the Zapier integration you can centralize data in a single interface and use the data of your apps to help you give context to interactions with your customers.

This integration allows you to increase business productivity thanks to the automatic log of calls in the apps supported by Zapier for every call made, missed, received or left in the answering machine.

With cloud phone system integrations, users do not need to switch from one tool to another to instantly access data and synchronize information between systems.

Without forgetting that manual processes are not only long and inefficient, but also limited by human errors.

centralino in cloud Voxloud
Customers rate your business based on their shopping experience.

They don't want to wait for the answers they're looking for, in most cases, they don't even want to be called back.

They want to be assisted by agents who answer their questions quickly or want to quickly find someone who can do it. Without forgetting the fact that no one, including you who are reading this, wants to repeat themselves several times just because the Customer Service agent has changed.

When you are able to offer a customer experience at the height you can facilitate loyalty.

Here are some other ways cloud phone system integrations can help you:

- Analytics help you better understand customer service ticket trends
- Convert prospects to customers faster
- Visibility into performance and productivity to improve what's wrong
- Set up a virtual call center, remote teams or distributed teams.

The integrations offer the features for an excellent customer experience. Eg:

Voxloud allows you to connect your business telephony with Shopify with one click, centralizing data in a single interface and using Shopify data to help you give context to interactions with your customers.

This integration allows you to increase business productivity with the following features:

- Automatic customer identification when a call comes in based on Shopify's address book

- In the contact details, you will be able to see all the calls made, missed, received or voicemail messages related to the contact.

- From the contact details you can easily access the call recording with one click

- Integration of the contacts present in Shopify in Voxloud

With Voxloud you can finally say goodbye to the usual phone systems

You'll have a wide variety of voice capabilities and the ability to develop a unified communications system with all the functionality you want as well as many integrations that will make your everyday tasks easier.



Best regards,      
Leonardo Coppola