12 August 2021

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Find out how to work powerfully following these 3 tips

Technology, customer expectations and globalization have increased the need for more effective productivity.


Basically, increasing productivity means working smarter to make your daily work more efficient and productive in every respect.


But how can you make your company and your team more productive?




First of all, choose the right equipment: this aspect is not to be underestimated and can help you reduce the risk of any errors that can be costly for your company.


Here are some questions you need to ask yourself to understand if you are navigating in the right direction:


  • Is the current work equipment providing you with good results?
  • Do you need to replace some tools with a more efficient one?
  • Can the tools you are replacing be used in any other sector of your company?
  • Will the purchase of the new material be a long-term investment?
  • Will you make use of all the features or will you only use some of them?
  • Have you considered the cost of employee training to be able to use the new equipment?



Use technology to work better


Digital tools allow you to improve the way you run your business.


But what are these tools? Here are some examples:


  • E-purchasing or electronic purchasing automates and digitizes the manual purchasing and sales processes, from the creation of the request to the payment of suppliers. The term e-purchasing includes back-office ordering systems, e-marketplaces and supplier websites. This solution allows you to have access to more competitive prices, avoiding cumbersome procedures that will waste your time.

  • CRM, or Customer Relationship Management. These are both customer management processes and real tools that allow you to track and manage all your customers. Goodbye good old Excel sheet, welcome CRM: this application allows you to make processes that used to steal your time and energy (and money) faster and more automatically, such as hand-writing call notes, attaching files from other tools and getting lost. between infinite sheets (paper or digital).

Did you know that the Voxloud cloud phone system integrates with the most popular CRMs in circulation? Take a look here!


  • Ticket management systems, such as Intercom. They are tools that allow you to automate and manage more consistently (in a single platform) all customer support tickets, wherever they arrive (email, chat, Facebook, etc.).


How a cloud phone system helps you


As we mentioned earlier, the cloud phone system can help you to reduce costs and all those cumbersome processes.


Say goodbye to:


  • Hidden costs
  • Penalties
  • Hardware and software maintenance
  • Installation with a technician
  • Cables and wires
  • Increasing bills at the end of the month


Think about it: the cloud phone system allows you to easily communicate with everyone wherever you are, without the physical constraints imposed by a traditional phone system.


Adopt an approach of continuous improvement


Increasing productivity is an ever-changing process. Here are some tips for making it an ever-changing plan:


  • Start by evaluating the competition with industry analysis. Don't just copy other companies' sales strategy - create one that works for your business and try to make it as personal as possible. Make yourself recognizable.


  • Take advantage of an external consultant to evaluate your company's weaknesses and strengths. This step will give you an objective point of view from which you can start increasing productivity and redesigning processes.
  • Did you know that Voxloud Specialists don't just explain how our phone system works, but also provide you with personalized advice on how to get the most out of the Cloud phone system for your business?


To work remotely efficiently it is essential to have the right tools that can take care of those strictly operational tasks and drastically reduce the amount of work.


With the cloud phone system you manage everything through a single platform: just download our app on the device of your choice, PC, smartphone or tablet and install the phone system in just 59 seconds!


Do you want to know more and discover all the customization possibilities of the service that we make available to our customers?


Best regards,      
Leonardo Coppola