8 March 2022

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9 minutes of reading

Customer Service: the 2 worst mistakes to avoid

By customer care we mean everything needed to help the customer before, during and after the purchase of a product or service, to anticipate and understand their needs.

Understanding your customers' needs is not easy.

Try to think about when you buy a product or service and something is wrong. How many times has it happened that customer support didn't understand your problem or didn't know how to solve it?

The dream of all entrepreneurs would be to have customer service that works excellently, quickly and professionally and solves your customers' problems.

But the sad reality is that customer service often doesn't have the tools, expertise, and people to solve your problem.

We start from the concept that, even if not always, often very large and structured companies are able to provide solutions and assistance in a more widespread way, compared to smaller and less organized realities.
Obviously, even the big names can make mistakes and many small companies offer impeccable assistance service.

Whether it is a small company or a large one, I want to talk to you about all those inefficiencies that annoy the customer a lot and risk making them leave permanently.


If you want to make a real difference even among the big names, you need to understand how to best stand out. One thing to absolutely avoid is to leave the customer waiting on the phone for several minutes, without coming to the conclusion of the problem. It becomes an unpleasant and exhausting process.

The problem in these cases is that you are doing exactly what a customer would not want you to do: leave them to themselves.

When a company offers an assistance service that can handle incoming calls without endless waiting, sorting requests upstream, everything works more streamlined.

This is why our phone system is the solution that can do for you.
And here we are faced with the second situation that could make your customers run away.
voxloud cloud based phone system


Effective customer service must give customers an immediate solution.

In addition to quickly taking the line, your telephone operator must know how to listen to the needs of customers who complain about what they have purchased: in this way it is possible to understand what type of solution to adopt or what alternative to offer, so as not to lose a customer.

Solving a problem through customer service allows you to feel understood, listened to and, at times, caring for the customer can lead to accepting solutions and compromises that a person angry and waiting to take the line for hours would never accept.

For this reason, the efficiency of a phone system is so important for companies: when you sell, when you offer assistance, you have to be quick and precise in your answers.
Good customer service also depends on the person answering the phone and not just how good and quick this person is at solving the problem and finding answers to your questions.

Using the help of the right tools is important to provide a service that is always efficient and organized. This is why our cloud phone system is the perfect ally.


Having a cloud phone system that allows you to communicate with your customers effectively and quickly gives your company the opportunity to compete for effectiveness, efficiency and professionalism with the customer service of the largest companies.

This will greatly improve the experience of your customers, making them happy to interface with a small but excellent customer service.

If your business goals are:

- Increase the level of professionalism perceived by customers
- Save time for customers requesting assistance
- Optimize the activities of your telephone operators

You have to start thinking about whether the tools you have are enough for this endeavor, or whether the time has not come for a change.
But there is no reason to be discouraged: technology and digital evolution are on our side.

The Voxloud cloud phone system provides the essential features for every company, simplified as much as possible.

Why choose our cloud PBX:

- Easy installation and configuration
- Fast times: activates in 59 seconds
- No hidden / additional costs: you pay a fixed monthly subscription
- No activation costs
- Dedicated customer care

With our PBX you can work and manage your team from anywhere in the world, simply using a computer. Your mobile or pc will become your only office.

Do you want to give your customers the best shopping experience and assistance you have to offer them?

Click below and enter the Voxloud world!