22 December 2022

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7 minutes of reading

Up Your Productivity with These 6 Tips

No matter if we’re dealing with a regular work day or one where tasks seem to pile up endlessly, we could always use a simple boost in getting things done.




In today’s busy work culture especially, it pays to know insider ways to be more productive.


And although there are plenty of good personal tips to staying productive just in your routine, there are even better ways to up your personal productivity through the technology you implement — all you have to do is find the right way of using it.


To help in both categories, keep reading for six tips on achieving everyday productivity.


1 - Share your calendars

Staying on the same page as far as scheduling goes is enormously helpful, and sharing digital calendars with your colleagues is the easiest way to do exactly that.


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With open access to everyone’s schedule, you and coworkers can know at a glance when meetings are going on, when colleagues are off and when they’re free.


That saves everyone the annoyance of trying to reach out to a colleague who’s occupied and instead encourages collaborating with those coworkers who currently have availability.


2 - Set personal timers

The number one way to stay on task is to stay focused, which is why it’s always smart to work with time in mind.


And not just deadlines, either — by keeping a series of personal timers that give you set periods of work and set breaks, you’ll stay on track for longer periods overall.


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One common method is to work for 25 minutes, then take a 5 minute break to refresh yourself and return to your project reinvigorated. Experiment and find a schedule that works for you!



3 - Block out distractions


Working without extra notifications distracting you from the task at hand is critical to everyday success.


This comes down to determining for yourself what distracts you: If the area outside your office is loud, consider keeping your door closed or even investing in noise-canceling headphones.


If you’re constantly tempted by your phone, install lockout apps that keep you from scrolling social media.


In all cases, what’s most important is to recognize what’s keeping you from your projects and then following through on a way to dedicate more focus to them.


4 - Integrate your software


 You probably use a lot of digital tools in your job — and you probably spend a lot of time booting them up and switching between them.


voxloud integrations


To save yourself minutes that add up into hours each week, look into integrating your software into your PBX.


👉 Voxloud offers you more than 50 integrations with CRMs, Help Desk and much more. Find out all the integrations here!


This way, you’ll be able to check up on your CRM, ERP, calendar events and more right within your main communications window, which translates to less split focus and more time being productive.


5 - Use AI & automation

Being productive also means using a strategy as old as humanity: get a machine to do it for you.


And fortunately, a lot of office work can be partially or fully automated using AI-powered software.


From sorting contacts to even automatically highlighting important parts from communications, your PBX can play a huge role in this as well simply by streamlining the most tedious parts of work.


voxloud cloud-based phone system

Before getting bogged down in these time-consuming parts of projects, be sure to look into the possibility of software simply handling it on its own.


6 - Use a Voxloud Cloud-based PBX

Upgrading your business communication tools is a quick and easy way to bring up your productivity as well.


With a Voxloud PBX, you’ll get cloud-based telephony, instant messaging, voicemail and more available from any location via online apps.


That’s in addition to the plentiful software integrations Voxloud has on offer, letting you create a personalized work setup that puts your most important digital tools in one place — all while being intuitive enough to use with minimal training.


voxloud cloud-based phone system


Voxloud cloud-based phone system: what are the advantages for you?


Just to give an idea, here is a preview of the advantages of Voxloud phone system:


  • You can work anywhere without geographical restrictions
  • Activation in 59 seconds, without technicians or installers
  • Organize team video conferences
  • No hidden costs


Do you want to find out more and see what Voxloud can do for you? 


Click here and talk to one of our Specialists 👇


FIND OUT MORE AND ACTIVATE NOW (100% satisfied or refunded)




Best regards,

Leonardo, CEO of Voxloud