25 November 2021

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7 minutes of reading

7 Proven Tips on how become a strong leader

In the past, carrying out complex daily activities with employees working remotely all over the globe would have been a losing battle for most companies, especially if they are not used to working with smart methods.

As technology has evolved and the business world has embraced the conversion to digital, remote workers have become more and more.

But effective tools are not enough to lead a team towards success and productivity: you need leadership that is effective and empathetic.

To get the best performance from remote employees, as the leader of the business, you will need to understand the differences involved in working remotely and find ways to meet the needs of your team members.


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By taking advantage of a few tips, you can lead your team towards shared success.

The construction of a career and the consolidation of one's professional profile (also) begin with a correct assessment and implementation of transversal skills (skills that are typically considered as not specifically related to a particular job or area of knowledge and that can be used in a wide variety of situations and work settings (for example, organizational skills).

Contrary to what one might think, in fact, having good leadership skills is not only important for executives and managers: a growing number of companies today adopt work organization methods that favor delegation processes and autonomy.

The benefits of this competence, therefore, can be found on a personal level, at any level.

A good leader is, above all, a good communicator, is able to convey messages in a clear, concise and diplomatic way.

He is also a very empathetic person, able to read the feelings of other people and understand the perspectives of colleagues, to be in turn a source of ideas and inspiration. Finally, leadership is also the ability to lead your team with passion, enthusiasm, inspiration and motivation.

How to become a leader: 7 practical tips

There are those leaders who are born to us and manage to be successful in all these activities without particular effort, but, with the right practice, everyone can develop the skills we have mentioned. And today we are here to help you in this direction: here are 7 strategies that you can implement right away to improve your leadership skills.

1. Set realistic goals

Learning to set precise and achievable goals is one of the skills that cannot be missing in a leader. And it is therefore imperative that your path to leadership begins with this step. Analyze your role and possible career developments: based on this analysis you will be able to identify goals that are meaningful and well planned, in this way you will know where to invest your energy and you can measure your progress.

2. To become a good leader, be inspired by those you see around you

If there are people close to you in your office that you admire and that you think could be an example and an inspiration, you can contact them for questions, difficulties, or even just to receive objective feedback about your work. Identify mentors and points of reference: those who have more experience than you can certainly provide valuable tools to grow and improve.

3. Keep a journal

You've probably heard of it before - journaling can help your career in a number of ways. Write down what happens to you during the day and accompany the facts with notes and reflections: in that situation could you have done differently? What behaviors would you improve? What virtuous attitudes have you identified?

Of course you can do it even with digital tools, this exercise will allow you to work on yourself much more effectively and improve quickly.

4. A leader knows how to communicate!

There is no denying it, communication is one of the characteristics that must be present in any successful leadership. A leader at the height knows what it means to communicate with his collaborators.

But what should this communication be like? To do this effectively, you need to observe the group you are leading, but also learn to manage emotions and know how to listen. In short, having an excellent emotional capacity!

Once this objective has been achieved, it will be necessary to make an effort with all one's strength to be clear in the indications to be given. Remember that a team needs clear and transparent guidelines. Only by having this information will collaborators know how to achieve the goals you have set.

Remotely you can work with tools but to communicate well you need to choose only ones that are smart and customizable. For example the Voxloud phone system is the perfect tool to let you communicate easily.

5. Strong sense of responsibility

Being a successful leader means having a very strong sense of responsibility. Do you know what the difference is between a "boss" and a "leader"? Precisely this: whether or not to have the responsibility of one's employees!

A person who is a self-respecting leader has the good of his collaborators at heart and will do everything to ensure that they are always protected in every area of ​​his life, professional and otherwise. The "boss", on the other hand, does not have this spirit of responsibility, appearing to his team, just a stingy person who cares about his own personal interests. The consequence? You will never succeed!

Only if you take responsibility for the actions of your collaborators can you be considered a true leader.

If, on the other hand, you continue to point the finger at others when something is wrong, you will hardly be able to embody the role of the successful leader, indeed, I would dare to say: Never!

6. Ability to listen to those around you

This characteristic is linked to the point set out previously, namely the ability to communicate. If communicating well is important, listening is essential and essential for a leader.

You have to be good at moving from the state of hearing to that of listening. If you think about it, it's not the same thing. What changes is how you tune into the person who is talking to you at the moment. Focus all your attention on that co-worker and really listen to him.

To be a true leader you will need to have a sincere relationship with those who work for you: only through active listening will you be able to motivate your employees.

7. A good leader resolves conflicts

To be a successful leader, one must have the ability to resolve internal conflicts that can arise in a group. For this reason it is important not to see them as something negative, but as an opportunity to learn and do things better.

You have to remember that a group of workers is made up of different people. This means divergent characters, personalities, points of view and ways of working that can, at times, not find the right response and cause internal conflicts.

We have therefore given you some tips to make your team feel better and better and help them get better and better results with simple leadership tips to keep in mind.

Now is the time to take the reins and start making a real difference by following these leadership tips remotely.

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