12 May 2022

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9 minutes of reading

5 Secrets to make your Employees happy

People who are happy with their work are not only more productive, they are also more creative, know how to manage stress; they are also more likely to stay with the company rather than seek out new opportunities.

Feeling satisfaction with the work that is being done, however, does not depend only on the economic return that is obtained.

To have truly happy employees, an employer must also:

- Offer a peaceful and stimulating work environment
- Listen to the opinions and needs of collaborators
- Make sure you let employees know how much their work is appreciated
- Guarantee career opportunities to those who so desire


Happy employees are more creative and productive. They are also less likely to change jobs.
Being transparent and honest with employees helps them feel valued and respected.
As an employer, saying "thank you" is a simple but effective way to show them your appreciation.

While money can help make your employees smile, it's not the only way to make them happy. Increasing work-life balance, being transparent, offering great benefits, and saying "thank you" more often help boost employee morale.




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  • Prioritize work-life balance
  • Make employees part of the big picture
  • Unhappy workers quit
  • Happy employees provide better customer service
  • Dissatisfied workers work less


Here are 5 ways to make your team happy in just a few steps.

1. Prioritize work-life balance

“To engage employees and stay competitive, it's no longer enough to just focus on benefits. The best employers create an environment where employees feel connected to the organization and have a positive work experience that is part of a rich and fulfilling life. ”- David Ballard, Deputy Executive Director for Applied Psychology at American Psychological Association.

2. Make employees part of the big picture

The best advantage you can offer your employees is the opportunity to make a difference through their work and help the company grow.

Benefits such as clear and frequent communication on corporate events, departmental management and wide-ranging business management make all the difference in employee happiness.

According to a study from Swarthmore College, workers make better decisions when they are not clouded by fear and anxiety. When employee morale is high, employees are at less risk than stressed workers, who tend to be more distracted.

Part of what inspires this clarity and behavior is the confidence that you, as an employer, instill in your team through respect and appreciation.

3. Unhappy workers quit

Unhappy workers are more likely to look for a new job. When a workspace isn't healthy, it affects employee retention. This makes employee turnover inevitable, which places additional stress on your business as you must then direct your resources and efforts to interview candidates and train the new replacement.

4. Happy employees provide better customer service

Customers appreciate the interaction with optimistic employees - they tend to be attentive and to provide superior service.

When interactions with your staff are positive, customer satisfaction increases, which can improve customer retention and business profitability.

5. Dissatisfied workers work less

Sad employees tend to do less work than happy employees. The researchers found that the group that had a break and 10 minutes of watching funny videos were not only more engaged when it was time to work, but were 12% more productive than the group that was not treated.


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 Best regards,      
Leonardo Coppola